

Polish Association of Juices Producers

city, country :

Warsaw, Poland


+48 22 606 38 63

fax :

+48 22 646 44 72





Polish Association of Juices Producers

Root of Polish Association of Juices Producers reach to Polish Science and Technical Association of Engineers and Technicians of Agricultural and Food Industry, where it came into being in 1993 as a branch unit named Polish Association of Juices and Soft Drinks Producers.
The characteristic feature of KUPS elaborated through whole period of existence is a balanced cooperation of juice and nectar (fruit and vegetable) producers with scientific institutes, research laboratories, suppliers of semi-manufactured products, technical equipment and packages and producers of juice concentrates. Joining of producers of juice concentrates into KUPS structure initiated process of acquiring lawful personality and in April 2004 was registered as an independent branch organization.
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