

Polska Izba Gospodarcza Maszyn i Urządzeń Rolniczych

city, country :

Poznan, Poland


+48 56 651 47 40

fax :

+48 56 651 47 44





The Polish Chamber of Commerce for Agricultural Machines and Facilities

The Polish Chamber of Commerce for Agricultural Machines and Facilities is a non-political, independent and self-financed organisation of industrial character, of the local economic government.
"Bigger can do more” – this motto was adopted by over one hundred of entrepreneurs from the whole Poland when in 1999 they decided to create The Polish Chamber of Commerce for Agricultural Machines and Facilities.
The Chamber was registered at the beginning of 1999. Its founders never concealed they wanted to establish a strong lobby of distributors and producers of agricultural machines and devices. They assumed that it was possible to compete in the market and yet together defend the interests of the whole industry.
We are the organisation covering the whole Poland, because only an organisation of this kind can act effectively and influence economic reality in Poland. Our fundamental objective is a will to change the conditions in which Polish entrepreneurs operate. One of our most important tasks is to represent and protect both group and individual interests of associated business entities. By the force of the Act The Chamber is entitled to participate in legislative processes, to obtain all necessary information from the authorities, to recommend changes in regulations and to consult them, as well as to intervene in all proceedings related to the industry.
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